Monday, October 31, 2011

Eye Opener: Junk on the Brain

Definitions: Found at
Antiques:of or belonging to the past; not modern. and Antiquing:to shop for or collect antiques
Junk:anything that is regarded as worthless, meaningless, or contemptible.
flea market:a market, often outdoors, consisting of a number of individualstalls selling old or used articles, curios and antiques, cut-ratemerchandise, etc.
thrift shop:a retail store that sells secondhand goods at reduced prices.
resale shop: a store that sells items for the second time.

  1. What do the terms above have to do with environmental health?The terms above are ways that we can reuse items and recycle.
  2. Identify at least one local resource for each of the terms above...provide name, location, contact info, and link to website or blog. Antiques: Father Time Antiques 395 S Lake Ave # 1, Duluth, MN 55802-2311(218) 625-2379 . Flea Market: Lake Superior College, 2101 Trinity Road\
  3. Identify whether you do any or use any of these things. Why or why not? I have never really used these stores but I want to because it was a great way to use items.

1 comment:

  1. I have never been antiquing either. It could be cool now that we know a bunch of ways to reuse the items.
