Sunday Drive...
I took my time on Sunday to look around our community for ideas on what I should do for
this assignment. It started to become pretty clear on what I wanted to focus my essay on! Many houses around Duluth use their leaves or other peoples leaves as an insulator for the cold harsh winters. I kind of knew that people did that but I was shocked how many people actually do participated in using their leaves as insulator. Its an easy thing to do and people who want to get rid of their leaves all together can just give them to their neighbors who need them. Nothing like being neighborly!
Here these people used straw on their plants to keep them protected over our long winters.------->
I have to admit that I have ALWAYS wondered what that house across from UMD does with all the leaves they collect each fall. I see their front yard piled high with bags of leaves, but I never see where they go from there. Leaves are a great way to insulate, along with straw. I never rake my leaves in the fall. I let them sit all winter. Then in the spring when I finally get to mow the lawn, I mow over them and spread them over my grass. Great way to give back to the earth.