Monday, December 5, 2011

Advocacy Project: Fact Sheet

What is Ethanol?
Ethanol or ethyl-alcohol is a high octane. This renewable fuel is produced by plant sugars. Ethanol in the United States is typically made from corn and other grain products.

Types of Ethanol blends:
E10: Gasoline-ethanol combination that contains up to 10% of ethanol. This fuel may be used in ANY gasoline dependent powered vehicle.
E85: Gasoline-ethanol combination that contains up to 85% of ethanol. Ethanol fuel burns much cleaner than pure gasoline plus it is totally renewable, which makes it environmentally friendly fuel. E85 must be used only in flex fuel or duel fuel vehicles.

What is duel fuel or flex fuel vehicle (FFV)?
These type of vehicles are designed by the manufacture to use any percent of ethanol in the gasoline, any where from 85% ethanol to 100% of pure gasoline. Minnesota is a national leader in the use of alternative fuels.

How can someone tell whether or not their vehicle is a FFV or is capable of duel fuel?
  • Check owner's manual
  • Check inside the fuel cap door
  • Visit
Sources: Renewable Fuels Association, 
National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition/Growth Energy, 
Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles Data Center,
EPAct Launches Fleets Toward Minnesota’s Alternative Fuel Future,


  1. Good facts Jamie! I saw some stuff briefly about E85, sounds like something more people should look into!

  2. I did not know that Minnesota was a national leader in the use of alternative fuels. It's good to know we live in a state where we take the environment fairly serious. =) Thank you for educating me more on E-85.
