Sunday Drive...
I took my time on Sunday to look around our community for ideas on what I should do for
this assignment. It started to become pretty clear on what I wanted to focus my essay on! Many houses around Duluth use their leaves or other peoples leaves as an insulator for the cold harsh winters. I kind of knew that people did that but I was shocked how many people actually do participated in using their leaves as insulator. Its an easy thing to do and people who want to get rid of their leaves all together can just give them to their neighbors who need them. Nothing like being neighborly!
Here these people used straw on their plants to keep them protected over our long winters.------->
- Advocacy Project (6)
- Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change (4)
- Eye Openers (4)
- Reflections (3)
- Share and Voice (4)
Monday, November 28, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Advocacy Project: Issue Overview
The issue pertaining to this bill is the fuel that we use to run our automobiles. Proposing that our automobiles should be compatible to run off of gasoline as well as E-85. Renewable Fuels for America's Future Act of 2011 H.R.404
Who is affected by the issue?
Everyone can potentially be effected by this bill. The environment will benefit the most from this bill because we would be able to be more environmentally safe form of fuel. Gas companies may suffer from this act because people will not be depending on them as much when they are able to use duel fuel
What are the consequences of the issue?
The consequences of this bill would be that more resource will need to be used to obtain ethanol. Jobs may be lost but also gained if this bill passes.
What is the economic impact of the issue?
The cost would come out to build ethanol plants and employees, land use, potentially pollution from the plant. Car manufactures would bare some of the cost when they have to make their cars compatible for duel fuel. Our environment as a whole would benefit from this because we would not be using harmful gasoline as much.
What are the barriers?
The barriers would be to make sure all cars are compatible for duel fuel. So it would be a process but starting this year if the bill is passed automobile companies will start making their new models compatible for the duel fuel. It will take some time to get the ball rolling.
What are the resources?
Land would be a concern for the use of ethanol plants to be put up so the use of towns and communities would have to happen. Along with the needed resources to keep the plant running.
What is the history of this issue?
Ethanol has been slowly implemented in to our lives starting at a lower percent mixed with gasoline and as the years of gone on we can see that it is becoming more prevalent but not completely utilized.
Allies & Opponents
Many states support the use of ethanol but the percent use will very state to state because it is so much more costly.
Your Recommendation
- YES!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Share&Voice: Hedonisia Hawaii: Eco-Friendly Hostel & Tropical Farm
I know that this video is not the best quality but what the video has to offer is amazing! Hedonisia Hawaii is a resort pretty much ran around the enviornment. Every thing that is used here is recycled or reused items, which is pretty amazing! I will also post another video that goes into one of the suites so you can see what they are all about. This might be a fun stop for Dr.V's study abroad trip to take a visit to...I can not imagine seeing this place in person.
Advocacy Project: Healthy People/THOMAS
H.R 404 Renewable Fuel for America's Future Act of 2011
Title: To implement change through grants to ensure at least 50% of 2013 and 2014 model year automobiles manufactured for sale in the U.S are duel fuel. Installing blender pump fuel infrastructure to incorporate the use of "E-85 fuel" a gasoline fuel blend derived from at least 85% ethanol.
Sponsor: Rep Fortenberry, Jeff [NE-1] (introduced 1/24/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Lastest Major Action: 2/1/2011 Referred to House subcommittee status: Referred to the Subcommittee of Energy and Power.
Recommended vote: YES for H.R 404 Renewable Fuels
My Political Representative(s): Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar|/home/LegislativeData.php?n=BSS;c=112|
Title: To implement change through grants to ensure at least 50% of 2013 and 2014 model year automobiles manufactured for sale in the U.S are duel fuel. Installing blender pump fuel infrastructure to incorporate the use of "E-85 fuel" a gasoline fuel blend derived from at least 85% ethanol.
Sponsor: Rep Fortenberry, Jeff [NE-1] (introduced 1/24/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Lastest Major Action: 2/1/2011 Referred to House subcommittee status: Referred to the Subcommittee of Energy and Power.
Recommended vote: YES for H.R 404 Renewable Fuels
My Political Representative(s): Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar|/home/LegislativeData.php?n=BSS;c=112|
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Share & Voice
The name of the website that I would like to share is Tree Hugger. This is a very neat site dealing with environmental issues and how we can make a change. The one part of this site that I found really interesting and exciting is the "10 of the Best College Environmental Programs in the U.S"
To my surprise the #1 college is right in our backyard at Northland College in Ashland WI. I thought that it really neat because I have always had the mind set that only huge division one schools were able to make big changes and differences like Northland has. Northland College is pretty much ran around our environment, not only do they offer numerous enviornmental-based programs they also use the environment to help run their campus. They have one building complex called McLean Environmental Living and Learning Center. This building has sustainability features such as 14 solar panels, motion sensor lighting, low flow water, 2 waterless composting toilets, a wind tower and 3 photo-volatic solar arrays which provides 6% of the building's electricity. McLean Environmental Living and Learning Center is made up of recycled items uses as furniture, flooring and countertops!
I do not expect UMD to be able to do all this but little changes would go along way. I think everyone should check out this site and just get inspired I know that I am!

I do not expect UMD to be able to do all this but little changes would go along way. I think everyone should check out this site and just get inspired I know that I am!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Advocacy Project: My Political Representative
President: Barack H. Obama
State Legislator: Mary Murphy
State Legislator: Thomas Baak
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
202-456-2461 (fax)
Congressman: Amy Klobucha
U.S. Senate
302 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
202-224-3244 or 202-228-2186
302 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
202-224-3244 or 202-228-2186
Congressman: Al Fraken
U.S. Senate
309 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20500
309 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20500
Congressmen: Chip Cravaak
U.S House Republican
508 Cannon House Office Bulding
Washington, DC 20500
202-225-6211or 202-225-0699
Washington, DC 20500
202-225-6211or 202-225-0699
Govener: Mark Dayton
Office of the Govenor
130 State Capitol
75 Rev.Dr.Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
MN House
343 State Office BUilding
100 Rec.Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.Blvd
St.Paul, MN 55155
651-296-2676 or 800-890-5428
MN Senate
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
State Office Building, Room 147
St.Paul, MN 55155-1206
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Over the past 2 week in my Environmental Health class many different topics have been covered and many issues were brought up that I was never aware of. One main topic that really hit me was when we watched the documentary "tapped". Its about the bottled water that we drink everyday. I was guilty of buying bottled water and using them pretty much everyday but after watching the movie I have definitely changed my ways. I never knew our bottled water is hardly regulated and how communities suffer from the production of the plastic made for the bottled water. I think that we can change this if we stop using these products, I know I have and it is not that hard.
This class has really opened my eyes to all these topics and at first it is over whelming to think that we have all these problems that need to be fixed. But if we all just take the time to make a difference in our own lives we can get others around us to do the same. It can be done but in small strides.
This class has really opened my eyes to all these topics and at first it is over whelming to think that we have all these problems that need to be fixed. But if we all just take the time to make a difference in our own lives we can get others around us to do the same. It can be done but in small strides.
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